Nestled behind the show are those who create, enhance and essentially complete a work of art. Through the blistering heat of what we call the backstage we met a team of dedicated Body Shop artists who continue to create the faultless finishing touches to a collection. Today we met with Lan, head of makeup, to discuss the Merit Award Show.
She spoke to us about key SS15 makeup trends, the looks for the show and the work behind the final look.
What are the looks based on for The Merit Award show today?
The looks for this season are based on military, camouflage, gardening - it's about being strong and bold, quite confident.
Can you explain the inspiration?
The designer's inspiration was quite strange, it was based on weeds and gardens- "this is what you wear when you're in the garden," camouflage. It has some sort of bearing with the war as well and what's happening around us. It's a whole military, anti-war combination. Colours, the meanings and all that texture.
What are the key looks for the show?
When we originally tested the makeup look, they had loads of ideas for camouflage makeup. We thought there was a bit too much 'anti-war' style, so to counter balance that we went for blocks on the eyes- keeping the look quite androgynous and quite military. The difference however is the different tones of colours, there's an emerald green, a dark metallic grey and a copper- three different versions that work really well with the collection.
What are the key trends you've noticed overall for the SS15 season?
For spring summer trends I've seen glosses and lots of beautiful skin with highlighting. It's not so much a makeup look that will trend, but more of a statement look. It's really nice to see that there's a bit more colour- your oranges, pastels, your earthy tones and the vibrant colours like hot pink. They've been quite fun looks, I think they've had quite young streak. All the looks are quite attainable and wearable. You can really work with them.
How important is it the work with the designer before the season starts - in terms of thought process, bouncing your idea off theirs etc.?
Our process starts weeks before the show, we reference our ideas and test the looks. I usually prepare a few different versions of what I think should work on a beauty level and we combine it together to what they want. Eventually the whole team on a test day decide on the final looks.
Be sure to check back for the Merit Award winner Gyo Yuni Kimchoe's catwalk report after their show today at 12.30 in The Gallery.