VFS: Autumn/ Winter E.Tautz is very tailored, but in
unpretentious way; as if you’re working a Saville Row skillset into the
designs, as opposed to designing around the traditional “bespoke” template. Is this
Patrick Grant: Yes, very. I love tailored clothes- I always wear tailored
clothes, but i like to wear different shapes, different sizes, and clothes that
feel and look different. When we put these collectons together, really we were
putting together a collection of clothes that I would like to wear. As for the
way we work “Saville Row” into the clothes: we’ve got archives, we know how to
cut, and we know how select materials that work, so ultimately, that’s how it
filters into our pieces.
VFS: So, would you say E.Tautz is actively trying to change the
perception of Saville Row tailoring?
PG: Ultimately what Saville Row is, is a bespoke world. What
E.Tautz does is show a different way to wear something; a different way of wearing
something simple and classic- like a single breasted jacket- but wear it in a
way that feels different. That’s important to us, and that’s central to what
E.Tautz does.
VFS: So, would there be a partcular individual that you have in
mind when you design- or does the idea of “difference” related to the feeling
that accompanies the clothes extend to the wearer; E.Tautz would be entirely
open to an individual's interpretation?
PG: At the back of my head, yes- me. For me, clothes are really
about mood, and season and prevailing attitude, because there needs to be
variety in a wardrobe, and that’s what we try to cater for...
Part two coming shortly.
Part two coming shortly.