
Friday, 18 September 2009

Ones to Watch - Marko Mitanovski

john cena

'Twas early evening on an Autumnal night in London when they came… and suddenly the assembled fashion pack were propelled into Marko Mitanovski’s gothic wonderland where spookily pale models clad entirely in black ruled supreme; their eerie presence emphasised by gigantic horns seemingly made of twisted hair.  
The darkness continued, as huge sculptured neckpieces adorned with black crystal detail appeared in the night.  A haunting rendition of Nirvana’s Heart Shaped Box serenaded the widow like creatures; their claw like leather gloves rendering them untouchable.  But a snow white creature finally appeared, resplendent in a heavily sculptured fishtail dress, and once again it was out of the darkness and into the light… Louise Hemmings
Images: David Colemanjohn cena